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Underneath the Traditional Concept of Tera Gold

He is a driver, she is also like driving, your correspondent can prove Tera Money, have a few times to go out to all is she drove, carrying several big man. She said basically his car on a motorcycle and, in addition to the car. Daughter didn't full moon, she will drive out.

When he knew that she was pregnant, and the performance is very calm, but to the expected date of childbirth haven't come out, appear very worried. "As the next day, let's hit the profile." he is very like daughter, although very busy, but very careful. But he can't cook also won't diapers, "he is responsible for the baby." play They don't get entertainment, the biggest entertainment is watching movies, all film all see, sometimes go to the cinema, the most like watching American movies.

He is a good friend of the wave xu, until now he will often speak of xu the wave. "Such as he buy a car, he will be no reason for 'wave of xu love this car also', xu waves that time he died very sorry." Probably because the relationship between work right, his friend is not much, in addition to his girlfriend. In the relationship between men and women, "he was a mess, ha ha, it's ok."

They will fight, for to go out today or don't go out and other small things. He occasionally will make a romantic, but underneath the traditional concept of Chinese. Is In fact he's a big boy, in her eyes. Actually before and after he married and not too many different, this how or how, marry or not in fact no difference between both sides of the family, have been great. She doesn't like famous brand, their biggest spending is a car, and not fixed who open, two people are like cars, also like open. They have a common interest-photos. "He always hold the camera is everywhere disorderly clap, childhood he studied photography, now we only take BB, ha ha."

She hate his two faults: a, delay disease. "Too drag, eat that don't eat, or would not to go to bed, bed can't afford to catch the plane, called old can't catch up." Second, often to change his mind. Idea is more, one day a type.

She felt his biggest advantage is Buy Tera Gold: a, handsome. Facial features quite correct, tidy up can also do small, but don't love to tidy up, since the childhood, "his dark tan from mama said tan flow of oil". Second, kind and generous. Three, integrity.


Grow Old with Tera Gold Because It is Worthy

At the age of 19, she got into a foreign university. A cold morning, she stood in the empty  Buy Tera Gold on the platform, the track to foggy end in the same direction. Because, he had saved up enough to travel, from faraway hometown to see her. The train has not stopped, he is steady jumped on the platform. See her face red with cold, he suddenly bring her closely into his coat.

24 years old, his father, to find him her her life by the stability of happiness, advise him to leave. That this will be a farewell, before I leave, he stood in her window all night. The next morning, she pushed open the window, see the wall every rail don't a wilted roses, and a messy petals.

25 years old, she married, Mr. With immigrants.

Her life rich stability.

She's 75 years old, her husband died. Son has successful, would pick her home with live. And behold, three months after a morning, she woke up and found out, his hometown could no longer see the beautiful scenery. Son hurried the best doctor of the local, please. The white-haired old experts in walked into the room, suddenly stare blankly lived moment.

Old experts trembling to her, as if returned to 50 years ago. Gently, he took on the arm of her wheelchair bony hand. At this time, the wrinkles in her face suddenly, and then stretch of live apart. She fumbled for the same, only old hands against the cheeks, to mumbled: "that's the temperature."

Her eyes although not cure, but he still happy to marry her Tera Items. On the wedding day, her arm he slowly down the red carpet, smell the whole hall is red roses holy aromatic, her sweet tears, feel oneself still shining like 70 years ago that he took little girl.



15 Habits Will Benefit a Lot

Today I will share some good habits to you. These habits are very easy and I think everyone can form. So hope you can benefit a lot.

1, Eat vitamin after breakfast

Studies have shown that vitamin supplement is of great benefit to health. So why should we eat vitamins after breakfast? Because vitamin can provide the necessary nutrition we need, so you have the energy to work and study.

2, Drink two glasses of water before each meal

This can not only keep the body has been in a "water " state, but also control the appetite. A Dutch study shows that drinking two glasses of water before meal can reduce hunger and food intake, and thus play a role in weight loss.

3, Pour the coffee into the milk, instead of pouring milk into coffee

The first thing is to fill the cup with skim milk after you get up. Then drink 1 / 5, and then pour coffee into it. In this way, you can intake the daily requirement of vitamin.

4, Drink a large glass of water after eating fast food

Fast in the heat and salt are generally seriously overweight, although we do have eaten no way fat, but a glass of water can help you to dilute the concentration of sodium in the body, so you farther away from high blood pressure.

5, Do not give up any opportunity of eating onions

Many people will carefully pick out the onions and stayed away from it. This is wrong. Because it contains a lot of onion flavonoids which can protect the heart, therefore, to eat onions should be our responsibility. In particular, eating less healthy food like meat, the onion is your "lifesaver."

6, Use cold water bubble black tea

Recently, the U.S. Department of Agriculture study found that compared with green vegetables or carrots, the black tea contains more antioxidants, which can effectively help you resist wrinkles or cancer.

7, Eat something at 3 PM o'clock

Maybe stay in bed could be the reason you do not eat breakfast, but at three PM you should eat something. It can help you get through the most fatigue time during a day. Yogurt, fruit, biscuits are good choices.

8, Eat orange with "white silk"

When people eat oranges they often don't eat the "white silk" - peel. In fact, that is nutritious and is beneficial to the body. Its taste is also very good. You can have a try.

9, Set a task of drinking water

Work will make you busy and thirsty. You can prepare a 1.5-liter big bottle of water in the desk and set yourself to drink.

10, Buy fruit undecided to choose the kind of dark

Although the appearance of a wide variety of fruit, but to measure the health, and dark fruit definitely superior, because it contains more antioxidants. When you swing from time to time, choose the plum, black plum fruit of such quasi-right.

11, Rinse with hot water, cut in pieces

Spread in a thick cut of meat tissue can absorb the grease. If you want more clean, you can put the pieces in place colander, rinse with hot water. Using this method, you can remove about half the fat.

12, Dip appetizer dish to the mix

13,  Eat some foods as meat

14, Fight the Battle of fat at dinner

Some people eat breakfast or lunch without eating fatty foods so they choose to eat fatty food at dinner, this idea is wrong. Studies show that intake of 50-80 grams of fat it will reduce blood vessel elasticity. So you should pay attention to this.

15, Eat high fiber foods before going to bed

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dr. Judith Waterman said that it is benefit to your health.

After you form these habits, you will find that your life is more regular and more beautiful. Then the goal is fulfilled and you will benefit a lot.


Quest of the Oldest Sexy Museums in Europe

The city of Amsterdam is in a unique gesture of tolerance, the moral and fall, sober and drunk all on display in front of the world, challenging the existing norms. But if you treat culture as a way of life, then there can be many things to be understood, and openly into the sexy museum, a wide variety of sexy knowledge, to experience an aspect of Dutch culture.

"Where is the sex museum?" I asked without any hint, then the local pointed his fingers, and then looked at me with a little flirting, and perhaps Only foreign tourists looking for that famous museum. Museum ticket uncle took 5 Euros, but compared to other Dutch museums, it is very cheap, not to mention the inside is quite rich, that this is the most affordable Dutch museum.

Atmosphere of the museum is essentially cultural, visitors also are basically in a serious and objective manner, very little are excited. Many visitors are gay couples. In fact, a gay couple to describe intimacy and walk through the streets in Amsterdam is very common. Only in the world's most eclectic and most sensual museum and saw so the innocent, you will feel some kind of different feeling.

Of course, the children are not allowed to the museum. Entered the museum, you will firstly see the nude Venus. As we all know that Venus is the most beautiful woman in the history, and its figure is very perfect. During the visit many girls are very shy to see the nude, they will see it with a shy smile. But, one thing you must admit, that is she is really very beautiful.

There are many things in this museum, something you cannot believe, and something you can benefit a lot.

It is really worthy visiting, so let us move on and have a unique experience.


15 Habits Will Benefit a Lot

Today I will share some good habits to you. These habits are very easy and I think everyone can form. So hope you can benefit a lot.

1, Eat vitamin after breakfast

Studies have shown that vitamin supplement is of great benefit to health. So why should we eat vitamins after breakfast? Because vitamin can provide the necessary nutrition we need, so you have the energy to work and study.

2, Drink two glasses of water before each meal

This can not only keep the body has been in a "water " state, but also control the appetite. A Dutch study shows that drinking two glasses of water before meal can reduce hunger and food intake, and thus play a role in weight loss.

3, Pour the coffee into the milk, instead of pouring milk into coffee

The first thing is to fill the cup with skim milk after you get up. Then drink 1 / 5, and then pour coffee into it. In this way, you can intake the daily requirement of vitamin.

4, Drink a large glass of water after eating fast food

Fast in the heat and salt are generally seriously overweight, although we do have eaten no way fat, but a glass of water can help you to dilute the concentration of sodium in the body, so you farther away from high blood pressure.

5, Do not give up any opportunity of eating onions

Many people will carefully pick out the onions and stayed away from it. This is wrong. Because it contains a lot of onion flavonoids which can protect the heart, therefore, to eat onions should be our responsibility. In particular, eating less healthy food like meat, the onion is your "lifesaver."

6, Use cold water bubble black tea

Recently, the U.S. Department of Agriculture study found that compared with green vegetables or carrots, the black tea contains more antioxidants, which can effectively help you resist wrinkles or cancer.

7, Eat something at 3 PM o'clock

Maybe stay in bed could be the reason you do not eat breakfast, but at three PM you should eat something. It can help you get through the most fatigue time during a day. Yogurt, fruit, biscuits are good choices.

8, Eat orange with "white silk"

When people eat oranges they often don't eat the "white silk" - peel. In fact, that is nutritious and is beneficial to the body. Its taste is also very good. You can have a try.

9, Set a task of drinking water

Work will make you busy and thirsty. You can prepare a 1.5-liter big bottle of water in the desk and set yourself to drink.

10, Buy fruit undecided to choose the kind of dark

Although the appearance of a wide variety of fruit, but to measure the health, and dark fruit definitely superior, because it contains more antioxidants. When you swing from time to time, choose the plum, black plum fruit of such quasi-right.

11, Rinse with hot water, cut in pieces

Spread in a thick cut of meat tissue can absorb the grease. If you want more clean, you can put the pieces in place colander, rinse with hot water. Using this method, you can remove about half the fat.

12, Dip appetizer dish to the mix

13,  Eat some foods as meat

14, Fight the Battle of fat at dinner

Some people eat breakfast or lunch without eating fatty foods so they choose to eat fatty food at dinner, this idea is wrong. Studies show that intake of 50-80 grams of fat it will reduce blood vessel elasticity. So you should pay attention to this.

15, Eat high fiber foods before going to bed

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dr. Judith Waterman said that it is benefit to your health.

After you form these habits, you will find that your life is more regular and more beautiful. Then the goal is fulfilled and you will benefit a lot.


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